Evidence of all passports and visas are required. Please enclose photocopies with this application form and make sure you bring the originals to your interview. To work in the NHS you will be expected to communicate proficiently in English and this will be assessed at your interview.
I confirm that during every assignment and afterwards, I will:
- Hold information relating to the client in the strictest confidence, ensure it is kept safely and securely when not in use. I acknowledge that no information is to be removed from the client’s premises without the permission of the Client;
- Use such information only for the purpose of the work for which it was given;
- Not disclose to any third party or copy the information except as is required in the course of my duties.
- In the event of a breach; either by me or a third party that may result in legal proceedings being bought by the Client against me, recover any losses that have occurred as a result of a breach.
Data Protection Act 1998 / The General Data Protection Regulations 2018
In relation to the Data Protection Act 1998 / The General Data Protection Regulations 2018, you agree to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment process as well as for future potential employment arrangements for the purposes of calculating your remuneration and maintaining records on attendance, health, discipline and grievances such as are necessary for the performance of your contract. Our full GDPR Privacy Notice can be found on our website. For further information, please see the Information Commissioner's website ww.dataprotection.gov.uk, from which the above guidance is reproduced.
In line with the Government legislation under the terms of the “Working Time Regulations” we recommend that your working hours should not exceed 48 hours per week (averaged over a 17 week period.)
I understand that information give on this form will be stored and handled by Apex Recruit in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988, however, I agree that this information may be made available for audit by the relevant Government organisations e.g. CCS / CPP Framework.
Data Protection Act 1998 / The General Data Protection Regulations 2018
In relation to the Data Protection Act 1998 / The General Data Protection Regulations 2018, you agree to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the recruitment process as well as for future potential employment arrangements for the purposes of calculating your remuneration and maintaining records on attendance, health, discipline and grievances such as are necessary for the performance of your contract. Our full GDPR Privacy Notice can be found on our website. For further information, please see the Information Commissioner's website ww.dataprotection.gov.uk, from which the above guidance is reproduced.
I acknowledge that I have been given a copy of the terms and conditions of service issued by Apex Recruit, which is mine to keep and further more that I have read those terms and conditions and agree to abide by them. I am not aware of any condition, medical or otherwise which would affect or limit my employment or performance, other than those declared in my Pre-employment Health Questionnaire From and I am fit for work.
I authorise Apex Recruit to disclose any convictions to any potential employers in accordance with the DBS Code of Practice and the Rehabilitation of Offenders. I declare that the details given by me on this application form are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if I have given any information which is false, or I withhold any relevant information, this may lead to my application being rejected, or if already appointed, to my dismissal, as well as a claim for recovery of any payments I have received, together with a claim for loss of profit to Apex Recruit.
I also give Apex Recruit Permission to apply and to check my DBS certificate on the UK DBS update service annually.
I give Apex Recruit Permission if required to conduct any relevant right to work checks Via the Government websites.
Influenza Vaccine History
Employment Reference
You are required to supply at least two employment references. The 2 referees provided must cover at least 3 years employment (current/most recent). Please provide details for the manager/supervisor for each reference.
First Reference